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Let me tell you a secret… I love this world we’re living in right now!

With Covid-19 gaining legs and spreading its wings throughout the community, many schools are now bunkering down and running their classes from their makeshift, in-house, classrooms. Let's rephrase that: many...

Getting Distracted
Have you ever observed the behavior of a small puppy in the garden on a sunny spring day? You might notice the bugs and butterflies, fighting oh so hard for...

Think before you talk
We all know what it feels like to see those cool Nike’s in the window and then think to ourselves, “I’d look nice strolling the streets with those kicks on”.

Sensory Overload
I’ll start by telling you a quick story. So it was mid-2016, about seven and a half years after my accident, and I really wanted to buy a hat.

Cognitive Dysfunction
Our cognitive capacity forms as we grow. The older we get, the further our cognition expands.

Pen And Paper
“Write it down, quick before you forget, quick, do it now, quick… too late, sorry I’ve forgotten what you said. Can you say it again?”

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The choices we make in life can either make us or break us. I have made two significant choices in my life that have broken me and made me into...

My Journey
Over the coming weeks I will be writing a series of blog posts about my journey and how far I’ve come.

Concussion in Children
Since the turn of the century, we have learned a lot about sports-related concussion (SRC). As a kid, I loved watching AFL players go in hard at the ball because...

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